Washing your hands is one of the best steps you can take in order to stay healthy and avoid contagious diseases. It is a good habit to get into, and there are specific times when it is especially important to wash your hands. Here are some of the circumstances in which you should wash them thoroughly.
- After Coughing or Blowing Your Nose

First of all, you should cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow instead of your hand. But it is a good idea to wash your hands after coughing or blowing your nose either way. There are always tiny amounts of nasal mucus that stay on your hands after using a Kleenex that need to be washed off. If you don’t wash them off, this germ-filled fluid will transfer onto everything you touch, and will then expose everyone else to it.
The covid-19 Experts forgot to tell you to Wash the Inside of your Nose!

The covid-19 experts forgot to mention and emphasize one of the most important steps in fighting the covid-19 virus. Wash your nostrils thoroughly daily at a minimum twice daily. The nose intakes tiny particles of stuff from the atmosphere as well as viruses in the air. Keep your nasal passage clean since the things we inhale can lodge there and enter the body.
- Before Eating or Cooking
You should always wash your hands before eating. With all the germs that accumulate on your hands throughout the day, it is important that they be removed. Otherwise they will pass onto your fork and food, and into your mouth where they can begin to wreak havoc on your body. Target the germs ! Wash hands and with an antibacterial soap or liquid. Some germs survive ordinary sweetsmelling soap liquids.Remember one of the dirtiest places in the house can be your dishwashing sponge.
- After Using the Bathroom

Always wash your hands completely after using the bathroom. Whether you are at home or in a public restroom, it is important to do this without fail,even after just urinating. When you do not wash your hands after using the toilet, you are spreading germs from bodily waste that needs to stay contained.
- After handling the Garbage
Taking out the trash? Be sure to stop at the bathroom to wash your hands on the way back indoors. Even the outside of the trash bag contains enough germs to pass a variety of illnesses on to you.
- After Riding Public Transit and Being in Public
Whether you are seated and resting your arms and hands on the seat, or standing and holding onto a rail, public transit is loaded with germs and viruses. When you exit public transit, wipe your hands with a wet wipe or hand sanitizer. When you get home, do a thorough cleaning with warm water and antibacterial soap.
- Before and After Cleaning Wounds
Cleaning and treating wounds is essential and unavoidable. However, always remember to clean your hands before and after. Cleaning before prevents complications in the wound, and cleaning after prevents any blood-borne illness from reaching others.
- After Touching Animals and Related actions

Animals are best friends to many humans, but they carry many germs that can make humans ill. After touching animals or cleaning up after them, give your hands a good wash. This is in the best interest of you and anyone else that is around.
Wash after feeding the animals and handling dog pans and cat pans.
It is not enough to haphazardly rinse your hands and wipe them dry. When you wash your hands, it needs to be done thoroughly and carefully. Use soap and water that is as warm as you can tolerate. Wash and scrub for at least 20 seconds and then wipe them on a clean towel.

Many diseases and conditions could be eliminated or at least avoided if everyone washed their hands regularly. Listed above are certain times where it is especially important to do so. Do your part to cut down on illness by washing your hands every time you should.